
2024 – ongoing

Germany is in a dark place right now.
Let’s bring it back to light.

In the last ten years or so, I’ve gradually felt the atmosphere change in Germany. I can feel the blatant racism and discrimination surfacing again with an increasing speed. It’s a surreal thing to experience and it’s certainly not something I expected from a country with a cruel history that people vowed never to repeat (“nie wieder”). It’s a sad thing to witness – whether it’s people casually chanting “foreigners out” or people in the right-wing spectrum devising a plan to deport the “foreigners” out of Germany.

As I stand here in Thüringen, as everything indicates to the success of the far right in the coming election, I painfully realize how fragile democracy is. I realize that I, myself, need to look for concrete ways to support the protection of democracy.

With this goal in mind, I started studiomoepa and started designing objects that promote diversity and inclusion. I believe that all people are different yet equal, and that accepting and embracing diversity is what leads to real progress in a society. I wanted to create objects that delivered this message in a visually appealing and engaging way.

1. Multikulti

In the “Multikulti” series, typical German snacks get reimagined with rainbow colors. 

Rainbow colors are an integral part of the design. Not only do they symbolize diversity and inclusion, they also emit so much positive energy from within.

2. Nazis Nein Danke

“Nazis Nein Danke” was inspired by the “Atomkraft? Nein Danke (Smiling Sun)” movement from the 1970s. 

With hippie-style illustrations and pastel tones, I tried to communicate a serious message in a fun and lighthearted way. 


With the “F*KNZS” series, I addressed the absurdity of having to communicate this oh-so-obvious message that unfortunately became relevant again.

With this ongoing project, I hope to make a meaningful contribution to the current discourse. With the proceeds, I aim to support different non-profit organizations that work hard to protect democracy and promote diversity and inclusion, such as CORRECTIVWeltoffenes Thüringen and AWO Thüringen.